Friday, 22 November 2013

Homemade cloth nappies

Today I made my first cloth nappy and I am very proud of it!

When I first looked at what I needed for cloth nappies, I spent a lot of time looking at all the very (VERY) many different options available. Some of them were absolutely adorable, and almost always very expensive, and not always sensible when I though about using them long term.  So I came to the conclusion that we would use terry squares and fold - economical, size adjustable, fast drying, no plastics, probably with fleece liners for ease and comfort.

But I didn't stop looking.  It is somewhat addictive, there are a world of cloth nappies out there and a whole community of people making, buying, using, blogging them.  I couldn't help but wanting the cute patterned, printed nappies that I saw all around, they just weren't what I wanted function wise.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

A Christmas teaser

We have begun making this years round of Christmas presents and as usual my husband has come up with some fantastically creative ideas for gifts for friends and family that tend to put my ideas to shame!

Still we are a team and some of his ideas he needs me to make, so I'm not totally useless!

Here is the first lot of gifts all cut out and ready to go through the sewing machine.  These are for the toddlers in our life and I am very very excited about them and incredibly pleased with how they've turned out.  But unfortunately you'll have to wait to see them until after the little ones do.

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